Archery Guided Elk Hunts
You will be hunting big bulls during the rut. When the elk are becoming more active, the chance of calling in a trophy bull increases. Our guides are seasoned archery hunters experienced at bugling and cow calling techniques. During warm weather, we also utilize tree stands over wallows and watering holes. All of these tactics can be successful. This is a fully guided hunt. You will hunt from a lodge or one of our camps, depending on the activity of the bulls.
This is 7 full days of hunting. You'll get here the day before the hunt, and leave the day after, for a total of 9 days.
5 Day Elk Hunt (Two Hunters - One Guide)
7 Day Elk Hunt (Two Hunters - One Guide)
7 Day Elk Hunt (One Hunter - One Guide)
About the Rocky Mountain Elk
The majestic Rocky Mountain Elk (Cervus canadensis nelsoni) is the iconic Pacific Northwest game animal, standing 5ft at the shoulder and clocking in at over 650 pounds. The enormous antlers that these elk boast are a prized trophy for hunters all over the United States, along with their canine teeth (ivories).